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Is There Such a Thing as a Butt Lift for Men?

Posted: May 14, 2020

By Sacha Obaid

Men and women all over the world admire the shapely buttocks of celebrities and wonder how they can duplicate that look. While some men and women may be able to reshape their buttocks with diet and exercise, others have naturally flat butts, and no amount of diet or exercise will be able to change that. However, men and women can have their buttocks enhanced easily with butt lifts.

A growing number of men are undergoing buttock enhancement surgery to achieve a more pronounced and shapely backside.  If you are a man who seeks an attractive and masculine-looking derriere, a Brazilian butt lift at North Texas Plastic Surgery may be your ideal solution.

Led by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sacha Obaid, North Texas Plastic Surgery has earned a reputation for excellence in a wide range of body contouring services, including buttock augmentation.

What is a butt lift?

A butt lift is a surgical procedure that is an excellent way to contour your lower body. Dr. Obaid performs liposuction around the abdomen, waist, and hips, then grafts the removed fat to the buttocks area. This fat-transfer technique is referred to as a Brazilain Butt Lift. Transferring this body fat can help men and women contour their lower body and reshape their butt region. While some may think women are the biggest Buttocks Lift patients, men are also able to enjoy the benefits of a butt lift.

A Brazilian butt lift provides the added bonus of a sleeker midsection. Fat is frequently harvested from the flanks (love handles), which simultaneously pulls in the waist and emphasizes your new, attractive buttocks.

Other benefits of a Brazilian butt lift include:

  • Lift to the lower buttocks
  • Improved volume
  • Better shape and contour
  • Improved body proportion
  • Greater satisfaction with personal appearance
  • Improved fit in clothing
  • Boosted self-confidence

Why would a man choose a butt lift?

butt lift for men

Men, just like women, care about the way they look. This is especially true if a person has spent a considerable deal of time working out and dieting but still disappointed with their body. Loose, flabby skin, and an unshaped buttocks region can be contoured with this procedure. This surgical procedure can give patients the body they desire, including a smaller mid-section and a more proportioned backside.

How is a male butt lift different?

The goal of a male butt lift is to create the appearance of a stronger and larger gluteus maximus and gluteus medius. While women undergo butt augmentation to achieve rounder, softer buttocks, men generally desire a stronger and more square appearance.

What are the risks of a butt lift for men?

Men do not have any higher risk associated with a butt lift than women. When male patients meet with Dr. Obaid to prepare for a butt lift procedure, they will undergo the same physical exam and medical history as female patients. Before the procedure Dr. Obaid and the patient will discuss the patient’s medical history, health concerns, medical conditions, prescriptions or over the counter medications, and go through a focused physical exam. Dr. Obaid and the patient, male or female, will also discuss surgery outcome expectations.

After the butt lift is performed on male patients, there will be some normal tenderness in the core section. While this soreness may prevent the patient from participating in some normal activities for a few days, the male patient can usually return to a normal lifestyle within a short time. Even male patients who actively work out or take part in sports can resume their lifestyle soon after surgery.

Contact our Dallas plastic surgeon

If you know a man or are a man considering a male butt lift, call 866-936-2309 and set up a one-on-one consult with Dr. Obaid about the outcomes and risks of the surgery.


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